Creative Compulsions

What the heck just happened to the past two weeks? Good thing I have a reminder set on my phone to do this or months would go by between posts. Oh, wait... well, I've turned over a leaf and it's different now.Life is getting back to normal here in Northern California again, at least as much as possible after disaster hits. It started raining, put out the fire and cleared out the smoke; flood warnings were issued and today has been mostly sunny. This will be my first Friday in a few that I don't have an art reception, but that's okay. The community college campus where I teach has been re-opened after almost two weeks of being closed for poor air quality and Thanksgiving break and subsequently the end of semester stress is thicker than usual, but next week is finals week and then we will all take a long winter's break.I have, however, picked up a new creative compulsion. If you don't understand what I'm talking about, most of us creative types truly need to create and often find multiple outlets. Ask my husband and he will tell you that if I'm not creating, I am simply not a nice person to live with. At any rate, one of the last little house I made for the "Home for the Holidays" show in Folsom had an underground portion that I made roots for out of wire. I was pretty happy with it but then I wondered if I could make a tree out of wire...So I started playing with wire, making little trees and mounting them on polished rocks collected by my great-grandfather. (Don't worry, there are really a lot of those rocks and Grandpa would love seeing art made with them.) I simply find these little trees so satisfying to create. They just come to life in my hands and I am having so much fun making them. Before I knew it I had a pretty good grove growing and now there are some available at Little Relics, my friend's boutique in Midtown Sacramento. I also have some at the Ridley Gallery at Sierra College for their annual fund raiser, so you can stop by there if you're on campus. I'm not sure how long I will keep this up, but if you're interested in having a tiny tree, get in touch now!Oh yeah, I'm also going to be painting live at Bridgeway Christian Church this weekend, and that's a different kind of creative compulsion but maybe  I'll save that to write about later.


Still Standing

