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Why my work is extraordinary…


I’m working on a submision packet for a really lovely gallery that I would love to be in and one part of packet is a “brief statement as to why your work is extraordinary.” This is above and beyond the bio (which I should have updated here on my website soon) and my artist’s statement (ditto.) 


Frankly, I was stumped, so I decided to go to my friends and supporters on Facebook for help. Over a month or so, I asked for reponses to my work, what people were drawn to, then to please help with this submission packet by telling me what makes my work extraordinay. The responses were all so affirming and wonderful, I was touched deeply and have also now been able to write that brief statement…


"Bittersweet" butterfly & leaf 8x8 mixed media art by Judith Monroe


My artwork is a unique blend of photo-based mixed media, always using my own photographs with layer upon layer of color, texture and images. According to my fans and collectors, “It evokes not only a feeling, but also an entire environment that surrounds the viewer and captures the heart.” People tell me that they “love the conversations you have with Nature, including Life-Death-Life… It is the ability to narrow our focus to elements of nature, sometimes a single element… Which is what we need.” My art has a way of touching people, making them see the world around them in a new way. “Small wonders of nature that we might pass by in our daily life becomes a moment to ponder and revel in their beauty on canvas.” Viewers are drawn in by masterful mixed media techniques and “the use of images of nature leading into the subtle details that is telling a message. A message of love, hope and beauty…” that makes my work extraordinary.



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