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A Non Statement


For the past week or two I’ve tried to sit down to write an artist’s statement for my new show, “Beauty & Death,” opening a week from now at Little Relics Boutique & Galleria in midtown Sacramento. Usually, this is not a difficult task for me, as writing as always come fairly easily to me (unlike many visual artists, who are cursing me right now.) But this time it has not been so easy. It hasn’t even been at all. For some reason I am experiencing an incredible block, trying to explain verbally what I have been doing visually. 


So this is my non-statement. Dead things, pretty things, pretty dead things. They mean something else. I could just come right out and tell you what they mean and I certainly will at some point in time but first I need to tell you why I’m doing this and why you should care and that’s the hard part right now.


And instead I’ll just show you a piece of artwork. This is what I’m saying:


"Not Dead but Asleep" mixed media art by Judith Monroe


I call it “Not Dead but Asleep” and I’ll just let it speak for itself right now.

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